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Press review: 5 most read newspaper websites

Everyday we are bombarded by news. We are inundated 24 hours a day… blasted at almost every moment by millions of bits of information. And the internet has made all the difference: we are just a click away from finding out what is happening anywhere in the world. It seems that once we have decided what we want to know, sometimes finding it is the hard part.

Almost every single newspaper, tabloid, magazine or supplement has an online edition of the publication. So what is the most popular newspaper site in the UK?! According to a new ranking, dated 19th of June 2008, the Mail Online is the most popular national newspaper website.

Now that we can’t base readership figures exclusively on papers sold, how do we count the readers?! Easy: unique users, traffic growth and page impressions. But what are the numbers?

According to the survey conducted in May this year, this is the readership of the respective online papers:

Online newspaper No. of users (millions)
Mail Online 18.7 18.5 18.3
Times Online 15.9
Sun Online 14.9

Rather than wade through pages and pages of dense national news, you should come back to our blog here at for business orientated, local London news – straight from the heart of the city!

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