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The Great British Summer!

Given the fact that we have been basking in glorious sunshine over the past couple of weeks, it may have come as a bit of a surprise to many Londoners last week, as parts of the city were brought to a standstill as a result of heavy rain .
According to a recent study, extreme weather conditions are going to become an everyday part of life in the UK, as climate change causes sea levels to rise by and estimated 20-50 cm by 2050. As Last Tuesday’s torrential rain left many Londoners stranded at various bus stops and tube stations across the capital, many people are asking how London will cope in the event of extreme weather.

London City Council confirmed that, regardless of the Embankment Wall and Thames Barrier, The House of Parliament, Downing Street and the M15 are all at risk, if the Thames floods due to increasing rain and rising sea levels.

Though the last recorded death due to flood in London was in 1928, in the context of erratic weather the threat is still very real. As a consequence, the council are now in the process of briefing urban developers to come up with an effective and sustainable solution to the problem.

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