Virtual Office MadeSimple

What’s the mail handling charge?

Our handling charges explained

The mail handling charge is a basic charge that we impose on any letters or parcels that we receive as part of your mail forwarding service.

It is separate from the postage charge (the cost of us forwarding the item onto you), however, like the postage charge, the handling charge is knocked off your postage deposit. Here are the possible handling charges:

• The handling charge for one regular letter (on all mail forwarding services apart from the Just Scan service) is 10p.

• The handling charge for one regular letter on the Just Scan service is 50p.

• The handling charge for one parcel (only relevant to the Mailbox Plus and Mailbox Pro services) is £2.50.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment and we’ll be in touch.

Brought to you by Mathew Aitken at …

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