Virtual Office MadeSimple

Hail to the mail!

9am on a Monday and the Royal Mail bags come down. Not the most exciting occurrence you may think but these large grey sacks maybe, just maybe contain the hopes and dreams of a brand new company. A weekend’s worth of mail ready to be sorted and sent on to the rightful owner. It’s quite a responsibility.

Perhaps it was the business card given out at the conference last week, the pen left behind after a meeting, maybe even the website. Who knows? But somehow, someone has got hold of the business address and the company is now “live”, dealing in the currency of hard mail.

Now working in any postal department may not be the most glamorous job in the world (it did after all give birth to the phrase “going postal ”) but to see a company grow can give a real level of satisfaction. Once that business address is out there the floodgates are open and watching that trickle of mail turn into a torrent, feeding the company opportunities gives almost a sense of duty. If the mail is the lifeblood of a company we are the veins.

Okay, enough of the whimsy. The truth remains though that mail remains an integral part of any business so the importance of every piece of mail must never be underestimated. One man’s junk mail is another man’s unique business opportunity and with email accounts being clogged up with more spam than Tesco, operations are reclaiming direct mail as a tool to get across their product, engage their customers and make all new business connections.

So the moral of the story? Don’t underestimate the power of your mail, sending or receiving!

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