Tag Archives: alcohol

Googaholics Anonymous

How many times have you stumbled home after a heavy night, hooked up to the net and then unleashed your woozy boozy mind via various emails only to wake in the morning to find you’ve declared your undying love for your boss? Okay, perhaps not your boss but it’s likely that you or someone you know has caused some web-based embarrassment due to alcohol.

Thankfully Google have come up with a solution that doesn’t involve joining AA: Mail Goggles.

Gmail users simply have to pick the days and times that they’re most likely to be inebriated then the next time they try to send an email in the allocated time they will be given a quick little maths test. 27÷3 may be easy enough to sober minds but to that of a drunkard it is none too simple.

There’s no news on other email providers adding a similar service but if this takes off there’s no doubt the others will follow suit, although bosses may be slightly concerned if they find the application on your Outlook.

All we need now is a version for our mobile.