Tag Archives: women

Number of women in top jobs falls in UK.

Let’s talk about America for a second… Sarah Palin, Republican Vice-Presidential candidate fired-up her audience last night when she spoke of her intention “to serve the people” and how Barak Obama lacks the necessary maturity to lead the country. And John McCain believes in her. Coupled with the high profile of a certain Mrs. Clinton, women in the States are progressing into powerful roles within society.

In the mean time we discover the opposite for this country; the number of women in top jobs is decreasing. Today the Equality and Human Rights Commission underlines that professional women who want to reach the top are encountering much difficulty. Why? Not because of a lack of talent or ambition, since many believe the presence of women at the top is the solution! Katherine Rake, Director of the Fawcett Society that campaigns for women’s rights, tries to explain: “Rather, women in every sector of the workforce face unjust hurdles throughout their careers, and those hurdles are even higher for ethnic minority women. This is a fundamental matter of fairness and justice for women. And it has consequences for the whole of society. With so few women in power, the UK is wasting a colossal amount of talent and all sectors are impoverished as a result.”

In 2008, do women have to fight for their rights as hard as they had to in the past? Can we follow the example of America? Comment below and let us know what do you think.