It’s Clerkenwell Design Week!


It’s a chair in a box. Not the weirdest thing you’ll see at this year’s design week.

Yesterday saw the launch of this year’s Clerkenwell Design Week; “the UK’s leading independent design festival” and the office is already in the festival spirit. Running until tomorrow, the 3 day design extravaganza sees Clerkenwell host an array of workshops and presentations showcasing the latest in design.

If you can get to Clerkenwell (nearest tube Farringdon) we thoroughly recommend paying a visit as the square mile surrounding our office is truly buzzing at the moment.

Take a look at the programme to see what’s on and visit our Facebook page for the latest photos from the event.

Clerkenwell. Where we’re at.

ClerkenwellHere’s some background about where we’re based (and where your mail is handled if you use our mail forwarding service).

Clerkenwell is in the London Borough of Islington. The name originates from “Clerks’ Well” an actual well dating back to the middle ages that still remains visible from the Well Court building on Farringdon Lane. We’re based on St John Street, the pictured St John’s Gate is located just a minute’s walk from our office.

Other “historical” landmarks include:

• Smithfield’s Market
• The execution site of William Wallace (Braveheart)
• The Crown Tavern – the pub where Lenin and Stalin apparently first met
• The Eagle – London’s first gastropub (Clerkenwell is now a foodie’s dream with restaurants including St John, Club Gascon and Moro all being in the area)

Cineastes may recognise Clerkenwell from a number of films. Skyfall, Eastern Promises, About a Boy, The Dark Knight Rises and 28 Weeks Later all had scenes shot around here.

Clerkenwell is now considered the hub of the UK’s design industry and hosts the aptly titled Clerkenwell Design Week, “the UK’s leading independent design festival”. The design boom (previously Clerkenwell was associated with the printing industry) has resulted in a real buzz. Rarely are the multiple bars and restaurants empty, it’s only at the weekend that things slow down and even then there’s Fabric nightclub.

Clerkenwell’s location is a huge selling point. Nestled snugly between the financial square mile, trendy Shoreditch and Central London, it’s at the heart of London’s business activity. This, and the fact that it’s such a hub for creativity, makes Clerkenwell the ideal place to base any business from.

Our 6 Tips for Working from Home

your businessJust because Yahoo are putting an end to staff working from home doesn’t mean that the concept’s days are numbered. Recent research by Direct Line for Business found that up to eight million people in the UK are now running a business from home. So, for the benefit of those 8 million, here are our top tips for working from home.

Put some clothes on

It’s important to build a routine. Wake up, have a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush your teeth, do some work. Lofing about in your pj’s equals one thing. Daytime TV.

Pick a good spot

Where you carry out your work is integral. It doesn’t need to be a big area or even a clean area but it does need to be an area where you’re not going to be distracted. And shut the door. This tells people “I’m working, leave me to it”.

Take a breather

Just because you’re cutting out the commute doesn’t mean that you have to cut out fresh air. A brief wander outside can do wonders.

Failing to plan is planning to fail

Or if you prefer, there’s the 7 military P’s. Every day set out a plan outlining what you want to achieve. Include some smaller, basic tasks for when procrastination rears its ugly head. Doing something is better than nothing.

Make yourself available

Unanswered Skype chats (and calls) will make people think you’re skiving. Respond as quickly as you can.

And stop

The two temptations of working from home are “never start” and “never stop”. For the latter, don’t forget your non-work life. Work specific hours and stop when your day is done. Easier typed than done.

What are your working from home tips? Let us know below.

Welcome to the brand new London Presence

Consider London’s momentous year capped; London Presence has had a makeover.

We’re delighted to present the all new LondonPresence.Com. Not only have we given the site an overhaul, we’ve also sculpted our services and processes so that they fit into our new way of thinking.

For ease of understanding we’ve broken our services up into four different areas (click the links for more information):

Mail Forwarding
Phone Services
Virtual Office Packages (Mail & Phone Services combined)
Holiday Cover

We’d really love to know what you think of the new site. So get in touch via our contact page, Twitter or Facebook.

Get Festive with a Christmas Market

Do you love Christmas? If you do, then London is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the festive spirit. And winter markets are the perfect place to do just that.

Here’s a list of just a few of the markets open this winter in London:

  1. Old Spitalfields Market: Visit this market for events, art, a seasonal food market and late night shopping.
  2. Cologne Christmas Market on the Southbank: The perfect place to visit for German food and hand made gifts.
  3. Hyde Park Winter Wonderland: How about a little mulled wine and a skate around the ice rink?
  4. Clerkenwell Christmas Fair: On Friday 3 Dec, why not come down to EC1 for carol singers, great food and craft stalls all hosted in Smithfield Market?

This post was brought to you by Colleen Van Dyk at London Presence

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Why Use A Mail Forwarding Service?

You have a home, you have a letter box and you have a postman. So why would you consider using a mail forwarding service for your business? It’s a fair question and one we’re eager to address. For too long the Mail Forwarding service has been seen as a retreat for the not-so honest (or outright dodgy) businessman. Due to our stringent ID checks, not so anymore. So how could you benefit from a mail forwarding service?

If you own a business and give your home address out in any capacity, be it as your registered office (see here) or as your trading address, customers will turn up at your door. Fact. Whilst this may be fine with some – others may not be so keen. So why not provide your customers with an alternative address where they can reach you via a letter? There’s nothing deceptive in protecting your home address. And if your customer turns up at our offices we’ll politely inform them that we are a mail forwarding service and encourage them to leave a message for us to pass on. We will not give out your details.

Secondly, how often have couriers attempted to deliver an item to your house only for you not to be in, resulting in a Saturday morning spent down at the post office? With a mail forwarding service this would be a thing of the past as our offices are manned Monday to Friday, 9am to 17.30pm meaning we can sign for and then forward on these items. Live in London? You can even come and pick the items up.

Finally – it can add prestige to your business. When you’re launching a new business, it is vital to keep costs down while still appearing professional.  Working from home may be the smartest decision at this point in time, but let’s face it – appearances do matter. Our mail forwarding services, allow you to use a prestigious Central London mailing address without the high prices involved in renting a physical office.  Put your best foot forward and give your potential clients more confidence in your business.

Let’s Get Quizzical

Last Tuesday we at the Made Simple Group took part in the annual Catch22 quiz event. Fuelled by free booze and nibbles we propelled ourselves to the lofty heights of third… from last. The blow of such a placing was softened somewhat by winning the “best team name” prize (‘It’s just a big iPhone!’) but even this was sullied by our suspicions that the award was given more for helping the organisers with some technical issues beforehand rather than our witty moniker.

As ridiculous as it sounds, we even practiced. Pointless you may think considering the whole gambit of possible questions but it did present us this one moment of magic; Question: “What is the longest river in the world?” unnamed individual:  “The Serengeti”. Yes, our calibre was high.

Despite our poor performance, the event magnified the importance of teamwork. The sports fanatic, the geography specialist, the music obsessive, the film fiend, the barman – each role as important as the next.

What makes a good team is universal, be it in the workplace, on the football pitch or indeed at a pub quiz, the attributes are still the same. Whilst success is the primary goal, it’s important to recognise the individual needs of every team member.

Trust, shared goals, valuing opinions, good communication, recognising strengths, well defined roles and recognition are all attributes that deal with the individual. If these are adhered to then the workforce is happier and more likely to succeed.

And whilst for us quiz success remains elusive, at risk of sounding sentimental, at least we left as a team. 

Olymp-clinically Obese

With the Vancouver Winter Games now over it’s London’s turn to take on the Olympic challenge. In 877 days the capital will be immersed in an Olympic fervour. For most of us living in London the games will be incomparable to anything we’ve experienced before. World Cups, Tennis Championships and Golf Tournaments will fade into obscurity under the glare of the Olympic torch. Or this is the promise.

Despite the magnitude of the games, Londoners haven’t taken the event to their hearts yet. This can be blamed on one thing: too much hype.

We won the Olympic bid in July 2005 (the 7/7 attacks infamously followed), come summer 2012 we will have known about the London Olympics for 7 years.

Every week since our successful bid various news items related to the games have bombarded us. Even the Beijing Olympics were viewed (in British broadcaster’s eyes) as a prequel to London rather than its own Olympic Games. Since then we’ve had Boris Johnson wiff-waffing and numerous handovers including one this week (how many times can one thing be handed over?). No matter what the event, a seven-year lead up will inevitably cause overkill.

To make matters worse a vast majority of the press has been negative. Not only have we been over fed the Olympics; we have been over fed all the bad stuff. We’re olymp-clinically obese.

The only way to recapture our hunger and get match fit is to go on a diet, to shove everything Olympic related in the freezer until summer 2012 when our appetites will be suitably whetted. Londoners more than anyone want a successful Games, we just don’t want them rammed down our throats.

Forum Fracas

With our London Presence hat on we recently posted on a rather well known business forum a thread asking, “What do you love about London?” The answers were going to make up a (rather lazy) blog in regards to what is great about our capital.

Ten minutes after starting the thread I hesitantly checked up on the forum expecting a few cynical replies centring around “do your own blog”. Instead I’d received a deluge of posts from forum members letting me know in no uncertain terms exactly what they thought of London. Let’s just say the response was far from positive. Fortunately the thread became rather entertaining as Londoners came on to defend their fair city.

Perhaps it is an obvious question, but why do Internet users, or more specifically forum users feel they can act in a manner totally not suited to everyday “real” life? I took no offence at London being judged so scathingly; it’s a city, not a person. But why did people see fit to tell me why they hated London so much?

This unpleasant attitude is consistent with every active forum out there. If you visit a rock bands website and ask for an album recommendation you’ll first be lambasted for your ignorance and then shoved towards the search function. If you go to a technology forum and ask for some advice on what TV to buy you’ll be told to buy a toaster instead.

You wouldn’t tell someone to use a map if they ask for directions or ridicule someone for requesting a piece of advice, why then is common courtesy abandoned once online? Forum members use their total number of posts (proudly displayed next to their witty avatar) as a badge of honour belittling “newbies” and anyone else who has not exceeded the 4000 post mark.

Surely if you can’t write something nice, then don’t write anything at all.

Moving On

If technology had a mantra surely it would be “advance”. Odd then that so many of us get stuck in a technological rut when it comes to updating software on our computers. Let’s take internet browsers for example. A recent article states “IE6 started off 2010 with about one-fifth of the browser market share”.  Amazing considering it was launched in 2001.

Concerns have mounted in recent weeks over Internet Explorer 6 after it was revealed security flaws within the browser were to blame for the “cyber attacks” on Google that apparently originated from China. These security issues have led to calls for the UK government to make a move away from IE6 to a modern browser. The NHS for example has been urged by The Department of Health to update as soon as possible.

A petition set up by web-firm Inigo tasked with speeding up this move states “Most creative and software development companies are forced by government department clients to build websites for IE6 when most of the industry has moved on. Upgrading would be a massive task for government but if the public is encouraged to lead the way and the government follows, that would create the momentum needed”.

The continued use of the browser is adding extra pressure upon web-designers as they are being forced to work with a system that is approaching its tenth birthday (IE6 is in fact older than the first Ipod and how many times have you updated that?). If the security threat is not enough to prompt a change then perhaps the stunted growth of the web may be.

As a web based company we have our own in house development team – and of course, they always have to make sure that our sites work effectively in all browsers.  In fact, in October 2009 we updated our company formation site – and because our company formation system has to talk directly with Companies House, it was a particularly complex process.  However, whilst our savvy developers rose to the challenge elsewhere – they were considerably hampered by ensuring all processes worked in IE6.  Any developer will tell you that IE6 is a real headache (to put it politely).  So come on all you IE6 users – move with the times.